Camping Rates

2025 Daily Campsite Rates

Tent Site
Water & Electric
Water, Electric, Cable & Sewer
50 Amp Capacity: Additional $4.00 per day.
Campsite rates include 2 person occupancy.
Each additional person over the age of 13 is $8.00 per day.
Maximum 4 person occupancy per site.

2025 Weekly Campsite Rates

Tent Site
Water & Electric
Water, Electric, Cable & Sewer
50 Amp Capacity: Additional $20.00 per week.
Campsite rates include 2 person occupancy.
Maximum 4 person occupancy per site.
Each additional person is $48.00 per week.
Visitor is $8.00 per day (8:00 AM to 10:00 PM).

2025 Monthly Campsite Rates

Water & Electric (bathhouse additional)
$650.00 + Electric
Full Hookups (bathhouse additional)
$700.00 + Electric
This rate covers 2 person occupancy and includes water, cable & sewer.
This rate does not include use of bath facilities.
Each additional person is $100.00.
$300.00 deposit required on monthly campsites.
Additional information is available by calling the campground office or feel free to stop by.

2025 Storage Rate

$80.00 per month
$10.00 per day

2025 Seasonal Campsite Rate

Rustic: Please call for details.

2025 Special Group Campsite Rates

Groups are always welcome at Lazy K Campground. We cater to camping clubs, dance clubs and all other groups looking for a country camping experience!
Groups of 6 or more receive $1.00 off daily rate per site per night!
Groups of 10 or more receive $2.00 off daily rate per site per night and free campfire wood for your Saturday night campfire!


Limited visitors are welcome between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM. Visitors are required to pay a visitors fee of $8.00 per person.

Reservation Requests

You are encouraged to use the following online form in order to request a reservation for campsites at Lazy K Campground. Please complete this entire form prior to pressing the “Submit” button. Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You do not have an actual reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until your deposit has been processed and authorized. For your convenience, we accept Visa and MasterCard. If you need to confirm your reservation immediately or would like to make a reservation for an arrival within less than 48 hours, please call us during normal business hours.

We will make every effort to respond to your request as promptly as possible, generally within 24 hours. If space is available, we will e-mail you to confirm your reservation. If space is unavailable, we will e-mail you our regrets. For this reason, it is necessary for you to include your home telephone number and a valid e-mail address with all reservation requests. Please remember that you do not have a reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until your deposit has been processed and authorized. If we fail to obtain your credit card information, your initial reservation request shall be considered null and void. If you prefer (and time permits), you may print this form and mail it to us. Either way, we look forward to your visit. Thank you!

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Request a reservation now.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Y7ou dmaya be 9ma1king cusea of aut9oma3ft4ed form-filli5nga9 dsoftwaa7re. Th4is ty5pe o8f1 software 5cabn2 tr34i36gger4 ou1r hidde9nf60 bspam2d-det96dectio3n8 syst7em,1 wh1icah wille block2 yoau from subm8ittinga this 3f6oarm. Please sa1elefect Fix 77Td49hi0s3338a71d1f4 b9690bbee2d3de95fefae33ed8c8707d8512o15r8c8de6ba9ce 1d5b936d9cod8mp7lecd6ti4n14g theef feorm 4in16f 2o137r2de3r0 to09 5594corre7e662cffadt 9tbhe7 07a5pfea67re9od3bf2lec0m.c5b1c
Important: Y8ou0 may be 4making0 use of 3autdoma3ted formd-f6illing softw8ar4fe2. Th5is type 2of5 s6obftwar2e can triggebr o4ur hidden s8fpam-d5et1ecdtion sys2tem, which will block you8 from2 s5u2bmitfting5f12 th0is form. 3It eaappears t38hat th7ee pro6b3lem could notc b0ebf automatically 7correctead. 6Please cleaar 3any7 fiel8cbd wh2ich appears below wdit2h corresaponding in5structions204e05a 02b2829ca1a8e27fb2edd80fo2e6b5a42aederec68a1e27e39e39be28 cbdab57complet8ing 5thed fo7rm bin4 or9der t8o 4ceorrec0t tahe pr61eodcb1blem2.3 W7ea 6apol0og21iz3e 6for9 th65e9 incfdd9onveni4en9ce 2and 3aweb app28rdeciaa96t6e6 ybofur44 unde7ra351astandin6gd.
Cancellation Policy:
Notification must be made at least 30 days before your planned arrival on all monthly and holiday reservations.
Notification must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the date of arrival on all daily and weekly reservations.
Holiday reservations are not subject to cancellation.
There will be NO REFUNDS or credits for early departures.
Camping fees are not refundable under any circumstances and will not be prorated.
NO refund will be given outside of these times. All cancellations will incur a 6% processing fee.
Please confirm that you have read and agree to abide by
our reservation, cancellation and refund policies (above),
as well as our complete campground rules, regulations and policies.
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Important: Youa may9 8be making3 usbe8 of adutoma7ted f1dor1m-fi9llin114ga soft3aware. T7his typed of socft34ware c5an te2drigg69er ou40d4353r hacidden spbeama9-de50t0eefc2tio2n syste8m, which2 wil9l 6blfock you from sub0meitting this 5foarm. Plea1s6fe selecet Ffix 5This454d301 7b150838135eb88e60aedf6f273aa3eore1a35e22a7e118 f8910424280ba54a23ab5c201om42p3l422cedb5e7tia0ng 7t93h8e0 cdfeao8rm i1n6 7ord6fe4r6a to1 cc4orrec1cd3f25t44 et69he cap8roble6bma9.1c
Important: Yofu 2may5 be1 dmaafking use of auto6maated f1o2rm-fil0li57a2ng socft5ware. Th3is type of software ecan trigger our hibdden spamf-dete1ctiobn system, wbhich will block c5y5ou fr7om 5sfubmitting thcis form. Itb appear4s that acth1e pro0bblem could not 3be aut9omatica3lly corrcec1ted566f. Pleas2e 1cleafr anya field which3 appear5s abodve with corres9po20dnding i0nstdrubctionsa2d96f2eaeacca8b270a4f15f7634 f8548ab8efbod947b96a8f999c81rdc199ae83 24aa1c1ompl1deti0ng the 75f2orm 0ecein8 or6d1er to cd60oe9rbreec0t theb prfcobcelemc. 0We 8apolo6giz45fe fco8r3 6th7ef incconveni1ea48nce and wae 5ab8p1aprec6i9ate 49yo2fuer uende6rstandci0eng.8
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.